Chinese Association for Biomaterials 


Mission:  CAB strives to

  • Collectively serving its members to accelerate their career development, involve in and execute leadership roles in their own communities, promote their visibility, recognize their contributions, and become advisors for the communities when needed.
  • Functioning as a shared platform to facilitate its members to best serve their communities through mentoring, collaboration in research, education, consulting, profession service, and fundraising.
  • Helping its members to augment scientific communication, collaboration, and exchange with the rest of the world.

Members' Benefits:  As a world-wide organization, the CAB aims to serves its members in many ways; the followings are some examples as benefits:

  • Provide opportunities for communication and networking among its members (e.g., annual gathering during SFB, BMES, CSBM or other meeting);
  • Facilitate research collaboration and scientific exchanges among its members (e.g., joint proposal/grant, invited seminar speaker, joint book projects, journal special issues);
  • Promote career and professional advancements of its members (e.g., tenure & promotion mentoring, joint proposal opportunity, symposium and session organization, nomination and election of professional society leadership posts and recognition awards; exchange and joint training of graduate students and postdocs);
  • Recognize scientific contributions of its members by providing achievement recognition (e.g., ‘Young Investigator Award’ ‘Named Awards for Excellence,’ ‘Leadership Award,’ etc. and industry sponsored travel awards for students);
  • Develop and forge collaboration and cooperation between biomaterials communities around the world (e.g., joint symposiums during SFB, BMES, CSBM annual meeting or other Biomaterials meetings around the world);
  • Develop and maintain an esteemed unit of scientific and technical experts to promote biomaterials education, technology development and translation (e.g., organizing workshops, educational events, and industrial-outreach events)

Operation:  The guiding Principles for the operations of the CAB include

  • Council makes decisions. Council is composed of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, committee chairs, and members at large.
  • The President and committees execute the decision under the leadership of the President.
  • The President is elected every two years. The committee chairs are nominated by the President and elected by the council every two years.
  • The council members must frankly and constructively present, debate, criticize, and evaluate the matters for each decision to be made. Every decision is made based on the mission of the Association to maximize the benefits to the members of the Association. As long as a decision is made, the executive committees must work in the same and unified direction and with dedicated efforts regardless of whether they agree or not to the decision.

CAB is a non-profit organization.

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