Chinese Association for Biomaterials 


CAB Awards

  • 20 Apr 2019 2:00 PM | Anonymous

    The CAB Global Biomaterials Leadership Award recognizes the individuals who have demonstrated exceptional contributions and leadership in the field of biomaterials research. No more than two awards are given each year.

    Each CAB member can nominate up to two candidates. Each nomination should include a detailed curriculum vitae of the nominee together with one nomination letter from the nominator. The awardees will be notified by e-mail. All the recipients will receive a plaque and be announced and recognized at the CAB annual events.

    The CAB Award Selection Committee is composed of CAB President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chairs, and advisory board members.

    Nomination packages should be sent to the award committee chair. Nomination opens from January 1 to February 16.

  • 20 Apr 2019 1:30 PM | Anonymous

    The CAB Young/Mid-Career Investigator Awards recognize the individuals who have successfully demonstrated significant achievements in the field of biomaterials research. No more than three awards are given in each year for each above award category. Nominees must be CAB members.

    1) The candidates for the CAB Young Investigator Award must be within 10 years of receipt of PhD degree and should not exceed the rank of Assistant Professor or equivalent.

    2) The candidates for the CAB Mid-Career Investigator Award must carry a rank at Associate Professor or equivalent.

    Nomination packages should be sent to the award committee chair. Nomination opens from January 1 to February 16.

CAB is a non-profit organization.

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