Dear CAB members,
I am pleased to invite you to attend the 2019 CAB-SFB Workshop - Biomaterials Science Excellence and Technology Translation Workshop, Seattle, WA, April 3, 2019 (Wednesday).
The workshop includes invited presentations/lectures from global biomaterial leaders and rising mid-career/young investigators in biomaterials science and a panel discussion to discuss biomaterial innovation, international collaboration, venture investment, company startups, intellectual property, and other key elements en route to successful biomaterial technology translation. This workshop is a platform where biomaterial excellence finds exit to technology translation and a networking opportunity for friendship and collaboration with oversea Chinese-American/Chinese faculty, students, and thought leaders in the field.
Invited Speakers:
Cato T. Laurencin, MD, PhD
Hao Li, PhD
Changsheng Liu, PhD
Qing Liu, PhD
James Malayter, PhD
Lihua Zheng, PhD
Time/date: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 - 8:00am to 10:00am
Room: Yakima 1
I am looking forward to seeing you in Seattle, WA! Sincerely yours,
Jian Yang, PhD
President-Elect of CAB
Chair of 2019 CAB-SFB Membership Event
CAB is a non-profit organization.